Hi, I’m Sarah. I’m glad you’re here.
I am a single woman in full time Christian ministry and a seminary student. I am passionate about encouraging biblical literacy, cultural competency, and emotional health in the church. I seek to share helpful theological and cultural reflections in what you read below. I hope you enjoy what I offer!
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Living Out My Single Worst Fear
“As soon as you stop looking, that’s when you’ll find someone!” And other unhelpful messages we circulate.
To those who made me a master…
The thing about a turtle on a fence post — you know it didn’t get there by itself. I am that turtle and these are the people who got me here. So many contributed to this master’s degree! Acknowledgments abound…

When Midwives Sing the Magnificat
As we plumb the depths of Mary’s Magnificat and the glorious works of God that she extols, we may also rejoice with women who nearly 2 millennia earlier received God’s promissory word for the fruitfulness of his kingdom. The relatively unsung story of Shiprah and Puah may be heard to the tune of Mary’s song.

I Am From…
I am from the chocolate chip cookies that everyone craves.
I am from queen bee confidence to bully-born insecurity.
I am from never knowing my grandparents.

Gazing at Strawberry Shortcake and Thinking About Jesus
I didn’t learn to tell this narrative because my parents had regaled me with it repeatedly. It was a kindness of the Lord to imprint this memory in my young mind and heart.

The Stories We Tell
Is God’s grace any less magnificent in the lives of those who meet him early, for lack of an extensive, outwardly rebellious backstory?

Christians Hurt Each Other — Can We Survive It?
No one gets their medical license so they can finally have authority to declare the time of death over a patient. Jesus is not only training his people to preside over the worst case scenarios, but he’s licensing the church to diagnose and treat the problem of sin early and often.
When sin threatens to destroy our relationships, we have Jesus’s power and presence to restore.

Fully Equipped But Failing — Now What?
It’s often suggested that if we would only trust Jesus, we could “move on” from being bothered by what remains broken. What if clinging to Christ actually means that we can look directly at the most complex problems and still hope and work for better?

Persevering in God’s Family
The beauty of Jesus shines not mostly through our bold vision-casting for familial love, but by its steady demonstration in the extraordinary lives we live with one another in the ordinary world -- an unlikely family persevering together by his grace.
In our evangelistic enthusiasm, may we not proclaim what we are unwilling to sustain.