I Am From…

I am from seven houses before age four

from five states by age seven

the last stop remaining as home.

I am from college towns and cities and suburbs.

I am from gray, rainy days that brighten my spirit 

from lightning bug summers 

and songs of cicadas.

I am from the chocolate chip cookies that everyone craves.

I am from Godwins and Liles,

from English immigrants who entered through Virginia

from Scotch Irish who arrived in North Carolina, after stopping in France.

I am from white

upper class Jackson, Mississippi respectability 

and small town West Tennessee workers.

I am from established, genteel white supremacy 

and from heart-rending overt racism.

I am from never knowing my grandparents.

I am from the grace of a marriage committed to cycle breaking

From a courageous mother who dared to heal from horrific abuse

From a father transformed to meet others in their mess.

I am from not being allowed to leave a room until conflict was resolved

From keeping a soft heart where callouses begged to grow.

I am from dates to McDonalds and ice skating with dad.

I am from soft rock harmonies on car rides with mom.

I am from sharing imaginary friends with my big sister and inside jokes with my younger brother.

I am from elaborate homemade Halloween costumes and every Christmas tradition.

I am from a home always safe for questions and emotions.

I am from parents who shared not only the gospel, but their very lives.

I am from learning to trust an extraordinary Jesus with ordinary life.

I am from seeing my world through a windshield of tears tinted with laughter.

I am from James Taylor, MoTown, and “the stuff that screams tomato.”

I am from doing homework in front of Remington Steele, Full House, and Saved by the Bell.

I am from queen bee confidence to bully-born insecurity.

I am from finding my stride in the classroom and my wounds in the hallways.

I am from the accolades of teachers, the taunts of the popular, and the harping of an inner critic.

I am from learning humor to protect my heart.

I am from backyard creek adventures and favorite TV episodes, captured on VHS.

I am from circles of friends who didn’t believe like me.

I am from gargling parties

“I didn’t make cheerleading” sleepovers 

and choreographing dances to diva ballads.

I am from math competitions

talent shows

Bible drill

BOOK IT! pizza prizes

and never mastering the kip.

I am from “Friends” quotes that suit any situation.

I am from deep thinking about emotions and big feelings about thoughts.

I am from being searched and known by the One who tests and knows my anxiety

I am from Him who leads me in the way everlasting.

(I put this together as a part of my work in ministry. The first person I ever heard share one was Renee Begay in 2013, but I believe the idea and format is based on George Ella Lyon’s poem “Where I’m From”).


When Midwives Sing the Magnificat


Gazing at Strawberry Shortcake and Thinking About Jesus